Newsletter is online
out our most recent newsletter. Learn
about the tavern business in Port Penn,
see what programs are
available this season at the
Interpretive Center, and check the
status of the Waterman statue at the
Interpretive Center.
here for more info.
T-shirts are available!
Port Penn t-shirts are now available for
$25 in
three different designs: Snapping
Turtle, Sturgeon, and Great Blue Heron.
All are white on black, sizes from
to 3XL.

You can order online and we will contact
you for payment and delivery options. Click
here to order.
2022 Fall Fling Members' Event
Stop by Fort DuPont on October 2, 2022 from 1 - 3 pm for
our annual Members' Event. This year
we will be at the picnic area on the water.
Come by to see your old friends,
take a tour of Fort DuPont (led by Jake), snag
some refreshments,
and learn about the history of our
Historical Society.
here for more info.
Newsletter is online
out our most recent newsletter. Learn
about the old dirt-track behind the
Augustine Inn, see what programs are
available this season at the
Interpretive Center, and, see what our
group did in 2021.
here for more info.
2021 Fall Fling Members' Event
Stop by Port Penn
on October 17, 2021 from 1 - 3 pm for
our annual Members' Event. This year
we will be at the Cleaver House in Port
Penn celebrating our 40th Anniversary.
Come by to see your old friends,
take a tour of the Cleaver House, snag
some refreshments,
and learn about the history of our
Historical Society.
here for more info.
Port Penn Open House
Stop by the Port Penn Interpretive
Center on Saturday, September 11, 2021
for a chance to snag some refreshments,
grab a State Parks Goodie Bag, take a
guided town tour, and see the museum
here for more info.
Read about recent work on the headstones
The Waterman statue in
front of the Interpertive Center has been
repaired. Read about it
We received funding for replacing the flags
in Port Penn. Check it out
You've seen them around town,
here's the story on the Historic House